Western Art
Mirror of a Civilisation
A brief, clear, imaginative history of western art, from the ancient civilisations to the present day.
Over 150 colour illustrations, including painting, sculpture and architecture.
Relates the art of each period to the history and beliefs of the age: pagan, classical, Christian, humanist, neo-classical, romantic and revolutionary.
Discusses the crisis of identity in contemporary art, where it seems that “Art is anything you can get away with”.
Western Art: Mirror of a Civilisation
This book offers a brief and lucid guide to the great eras of Western Art, beginning with the ancient civilisations of Mesopotamia, and ending in the post-modern world which now surrounds us. The author sees art as the record of mankind’s eternal encounter with the visible world around him, but also as his eternal quest to re-imagine and re-create that world in a vision of his own. This vision was not, however, merely personal, but was constantly shaped by the changing spirit of the age, whether pagan, Christian, humanist, neo-classical, romantic or revolutionary. During all these long centuries, artists created a parallel world of beauty and ideas, enriching their parent civilisations. But the last century has seen the release of forces which have dissolved, or even destroyed, all accepted standards of art, leading us to question the very nature of art today. This crisis sends us back to the art of the past with renewed urgency, to re-assess its great legacy, and with it certain aspects of our own humanity. Richly illustrated and written with clarity and descriptive power, this brief, thought-provoking book will stimulate art experts and laymen alike.