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A Thought Experiment

eBook £5.00
  • Classical Hinduism is difficult to grasp, having no founder, no creed and no personal God.

  • But it offers a profoundly spiritual interpretation of human life, through which we may learn to see ourselves and our world in a new light. 

  • This book explains the fundamental concepts of Hinduism: Brahman, the supreme power of the cosmos; dharma, the law which guides our lives; karma, the working of good and evil.

  • The book’s message shows that Hinduism has many vital lessons for today’s troubled world.

  • Illustrated with photographs of the great rock-carved Temple of Ellora.

Hinduism: A Thought Experiment

In classical Hinduism, Brahman is the power sustaining the cosmos in all its vastness and mystery. Dharma is the order, the harmony through which it functions, the way things have to be, for everything in the universe. Atman is the soul, the mystery of our selfhood, somehow linked to Brahman and ruled by Dharma. These mysteries were regarded for thousands of years as overwhelmingly real, yet we now live as if they did not exist. Our problems and our sufferings never cease, because we endlessly re-create our own chaos. This book is a basic guide to Hinduism, and it suggests ways in which Hinduism contains some vital messages for today’s world, a world which has taken a profoundly wrong turning into scientific materialism. This book will appeal to those open-minded enough to see that an alternative future for mankind is possible, and that the pathway to it may lie in new approaches to the wisdom of the past.

54 pages                        Illustrations                               £5.00